*****NOTE: The application deadline for the Fall / Winter cohort has now passed. Thank you to all who applied.*****
Métis Women Entrepreneurship (MWE) Grant & Mentorship Program
Time Frame
Successful applicants will be required to complete a 6-month, one-on-one partnership with a pre-selected business owner. Mentees will be new female Red River Métis business owners (under 2 years in business), and we require Mentors be established Woman Entrepreneurs with 5+ years in business. The upcoming cohort will run from October 2024 - March 2025.
What's in it for me?
Mentees (under 2 years in business) will receive a $3,000 grant for participating; $1,500 will be direct deposited at the start of the program and the remaining $1,500 will be paid out upon completion. Mentees will also receive a Certificate upon completion, in addition to invaluable 1on1 business coaching.
Mentors (5 years + in business) will receive a $1,000 honorarium; $500 will be direct deposited at the start of the program and the remaining $500 will be paid out upon completion. Mentors will also receive a Certificate of Mentorship, and importantly gain the satisfaction of having had an positive impact on our community by sharing knowledge with someone eager to learn from a Mentor.
Applications will remain confidential and offer the selection committee insight into entrepreneurial goals, values, and expectations, to create strong matches. Once the submission period has ended, all applicants will be contacted in late September 2024 to confirm if they have been selected for the October 2024 to March 2025 cohort. All information collected as part of the program will remain confidential unless explicit sharing permissions (e.g. a public testimonial) are provided by both the Mentee and Mentor.
Self-led Partnerships
Selected applicants will meet their Mentor/tee at an LRCC initiated virtual introduction; immediately after the meeting, a formal agreement will be signed by both parties to confirm enrollment and direct deposit information will be collected to enable payments. Thereafter, the meeting scheduling, format (e.g. in-person or Zoom), and discussion topics will be self-led by each unique partnership, driven by the growth areas identified by the new entrepreneur; hour-long monthly meetings, at the very minimum, are required.
Coordinator Support
Resources to guide the pairing will be provided once the Mentorship Agreement has been finalized, including a Mentorship Guidebook that further details roles and responsibilities, with a Tracker to document meetings. Throughout the 6-months, the program coordinator will be in touch via email for routine check-ins to ensure the commitments are being met and that both parties are satisfied with the progress and results. Both parties will also be required to complete a feedback survey upon completion of the term to provide value for future cohorts.